IA Chambers’ Parvan P. Parvanov, Esq. and Nikolay A. Ouzounov, Esq. Contribute Chapters in Pro-Arbitration Revisited, a Tribute to Professor George Bermann

IA Chambers’ Parvan P. Parvanov, Esq. and Nikolay A. Ouzounov, Esq. each authored a chapter in Pro-Arbitration Revisited, a tribute to Professor George Bermann from his students at Columbia Law. In his chapter “Pro-Arbitration is Regulation”, Parvan offers a set of carefully calibrated measures, which could have a favorable “pro-arbitration” effect for all parties involved in the arbitral process. Nick’s chapter “Searching for Balance in Judicial Treatment of Arbitral Awards Set Aside at the Seat” navigates different arbitration regimes searching for arbitration friendliness when it comes to set-asides at the seat. The book was presented at Columbia Arbitration Day on April 14, 2023 and can be purchased from the publisher JURIS Arbitration Law.

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